Command Line


There’s no specific order between OPTIONS and TARGETS. All OPTIONS starts with hyphen - while TARGETS doesn’t.

Common Unix command line option parsing rule is adopted:

  • A short option starts with a single hyphen and then a single letter (e.g. -C); it may have a corresponding long option which starts with a double hyphen followed by a word (or a few words concated with hyphen) (e.g. --chdir, --this-is-a-multi-word-opt);
  • The value after a short option is provided as a separated argument (after a space, e.g. -C /tmp/proj); for long option, the value follows directly with = in the same argument (e.g. --chdir=/tmp/proj);
  • Some option can be specified multiple times to provide a list or a map (e.g.
    list: --include=a.hmake --include=b.hmake or -I a.hmake -I b.hmake;
    map: --define=ARCH=x86_64 --define=OS=linux or -D ARCH=x86_64 -D OS=linux );
  • Bool options can be specified without value as true or prefixed by no- as false (e.g. --verbose for true, --no-verbose for false); It can also be specified with a value in the long option format (e.g. --verbose=true or --verbose=false).


  • --chdir=PATH, -C PATH: Chdir to specified PATH before doing anything;
  • --file=FILE, -f FILE: Override the default project file name HyperMake; This only specifies the file name, no path included;
  • --include=FILE, -I FILE: Include additional files (must be relative path under project root), can be specified multiple times
  • --property=key=value, -P key=value: Define property in global settings section, key may include . to specify the hierarchy (e.g. -P docker.image=gcc-5);
  • --parallel=N, -p N: Set maximum number of targets executed in parallel, 0 for auto, -1 for unlimited;
  • --rebuild-all, -R: Force rebuild all needed targets
  • --rebuild-target TARGET, -r TARGET: Force rebuild specified target, this can be specified multiple times;
  • --rebuild, -b: Force rebuild targets specified on command line;
  • --skip TARGET, -S TARGET: Skip specified target (mark as Skipped), this can be specified multiple times;
  • --exec, -x: Execute a shell command in the context of a target. The target name must be specified in settings.exec-target or use --exec-with=TARGET. It’s extremely useful to run arbitrary command in the context of a target. It should come as the last option, as the rest command-line arguments will be treated as command.

For example:

  hmake -x go version
  hmake -x   # enter an interactive shell inside the container

The commands parsing after -x is directly executed by execvp system call, not a command to be parsed by shell. So shell syntax like && won’t work.

To run as a shell command

  hmake -x /bin/sh -c 'go version || echo "go version failed"'
  • --exec-with=TARGET, -X TARGET: Explicitly specify the target for --exec instead of fetching from settings.exec-target. As it implies --exec, it should come as the last option.

For example:

  hmake --exec-with=vendor go version
  • --json: Dump execution events to stdout in single line JSON documents;
  • --summary, -s: Show execution summary before exit;
  • --quiet, -q: Suppress output from targets;
  • --rcfile|--no-rcfile: Load .hmakerc inside project directories, default is true;
  • --color|--no-color: Explicitly specify print with color/no-color;
  • --emoji|--no-emoji: Explicitly specify print with emoji/no-emoji;
  • --no-debug-log: Disable writing debug log to hmake.debug.log in hmake state directory (.hmake);
  • --show-summary: When specified, print previous execution summary and exit, without doing anything else;
  • --targets: When specified, print list of target names and exit;
  • --dryrun: When specified, pretend to run targets in the right order, but without actually execute them (simply mark task Success);
  • --version: When specified, print version and exit.

The parsing of options stops when -- is encountered. The rest of arguments will be treated as target names. Except --exec/--exec-with already implies end of options parsing, -- will be interpreted as an argument to exec command.

--exec/--exec-with doesn’t affect the last execution result of the target, though it displays the result and updates the summary. The target may still be skipped next time if nothing changed.

Exit Code

  • 0: Success
  • 1: One or more targets failed
  • 2: Incorrect usage